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For partners and media

For app users

+420 799 995 999 (media and general)
+420 602 233 673 (business inquiries)

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To share feedback about the app, contact us directly using the SmartGuide mobile app's "Share Feedback" function.

Mailing & office address:

Opletalova 22 (directions)
110 00
Praha 1
Czech Republic

Registered company address:

SmartGuide s.r.o.

Dopravní 500/9
104 00
Praha 10 - Uhříněves
Czech Republic

Company information:

SmartGuide s.r.o.
IČO: 07254890
DIČ: CZ07254890
Registrace v oddílu C 297779 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze

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